

Marshall Plumlee

What was your first impression of Marshall Plumlee when he got to Duke ? My first thought was how is  he going to make it at the division one level ? His first three years under coach Mike Krzyzweski I nicked him fumble fingers because all he would do was turn the ball over unlike his brothers Miles and Mason who were great when they played at Duke. 

Marshall turned the  page though his senior year under Mike Krzyzwski he had developed in to a player you could depend on for points and rebounds which he was defiantly needed after Amile  Jefferson only played nine games because of injury. He was the go to  guy because although we had freshman Chase Jeter he was skinny and needed to build up his strength. Hopefully he is doing that this off -season so he can be ready to contribute when the season starts. 

Today Marshall who was supposed to go  in to the army after graduation is getting his shot with the New York Knicks in the NBA  . Who would have thought all three Plumlee brothers would be in the NBA ? Miles plays for the Milwalkee Bucks , Mason Plummlee plays for  the Portland Trailblazers and the youngest of the plumlee trio Marshall plays for the New York Knicks. 

It will be very different going to games this year because a player with the last name Plumlee won't be on the team.

Best of luck to you MP3 as you start your NBA career in the big apple.