

Connecticut Isn't Going Participate In The 2020 Season

If there is a collegiate season on the grid iron in 2020 one team won’t be apart of it.

Who is that?


Why won’t they be apart of it?

Because of the Coronavirus that is currently effecting us in the United States and around the world.

The University had this to say about making the decision to cancel the season.

"After receiving guidance from state and public health officials and consulting with football student-athletes, we've decided that we will not compete on the gridiron this season," UConn athletic director David Benedict said in a news release. "The safety challenges created by COVID-19 place our football student-athletes at an unacceptable level of risk."EDITOR'S PICKSWhat are coaches and players willing to sacrifice for a college football season?Football historians talk about the game in a previous pandemicHuskies football coach Randy Edsall said he consulted his players before the university made its decision."We engaged and listened to the concerns of our football student-athletes and feel this is the best decision for their health, safety, and well-being," Edsall said in the news release. "Our team is united in this approach and we will use this time to further player development within the program and gear ourselves to the 2021 season."The university said members of the football team will remain enrolled in classes, either virtually or in person, and would have access to facilities and support services to ensure they remain on track academically. “according to an article by Mark Schlabach on

While the students on the grid iron had this to say about not competing this upcoming season.

In a statement released by the school, UConn's players said, "As a team we are in full support of the decision to not compete in 2020. We have many health concerns and not enough is known about the potential long term effects of contracting COVID-19. Additionally, we have not had the optimal time to train mentally & physically to be properly prepared to compete this season. We love this game and love competing. We came to campus in the beginning of July knowing there would be challenges presented by the pandemic but it is apparent to us now that these challenges are impossible to overcome.“according to an article by Mark Schlabach on

With Connecticut deciding not to participate in the upcoming season if there is one will other colleges follow in the footsteps of Connecticut? At this point I don’t have an answer to that question, However, I think Connecticut has made a wise decision not to given the circumstances the United States is in and if other colleges want to follow in their footsteps that might not be a bad idea. Why? Because when there is large group germs get spread including the Coronavirus that is effecting people in the United States and around the world.