

As Duke Is Opposing Syracuse Tonight In Syracuse New York Jon Scheyer Is Opposing Syracuse Head Coach Jim Boeheim For Inaugural Time As Duke Head Coach

As Special Assistant, Assistant Coach, Associate Head Coach to now retired Duke Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski Jon Scheyer opposed Jim Boeheim in 2013-2014 season as Special Assistant . , 2014-2018 as an Assistant Coach, 2018-2022 as Associate Head Coach to now retired Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski.

“According to Go Duke The Magazine Issue 14.4”

As Duke is opposing Syracuse tonight in Syracuse New York Jon Scheyer is opposing Syracuse Head Coach Jim Boeheim for inaugural time as Duke Head Coach.

Duke comes into the game with Syracuse with record of 18-8 overall 9-6 in Atlantic Coast Conference is sixth in Atlantic Coast Conference standings because they held on to Notre Dame 68-64 Tuesday in Durham former Duke Men’s Basketball Coach Mike Krzyzewski was in attendance for inaugural time since retiring following 2021-2022 season following 42 seasons as Duke Men’s Basketball Head Coach because Mike Brey who was Assistant Coach at Duke Mike Brey was an Assistant Coach for now retired Duke Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski for 8 seasons. As an Assistant Coach for now retired Duke Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski for 8 seasons Duke advanced to the Final Four six times and won back-to-back national championships in 1991 and 1992.

As Duke held on to beat Notre Dame Tuesday 68-64 in Durham Mark Mitchell was 2-4 on field goals , 2-3 on 3 pointers to go along 2 rebounds, 8 points. Kyle Filipowski was 9-16 on field goals , 0-3 on 3 pointers to go along with 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 22 points . Dereck Lively II was 3-5 on field goals , 0-1 on 3 pointers to go along with 6 rebounds, 6 points . Tyrese Proctor was 2-6 on field goals , 0-1 on 3 pointers to go along with 3 rebounds , 4 assists, 6 points . Jeremy Roach was 3-12 on field goals , 0-5 on 3 pointers to go along 2 rebounds , 3 assists, 9 points . Dariq Whitehead was 3-7 on field goals , 3-4 on 3 pointers to go along 3 rebounds , 2 assists, 9 points . Ryan Young was 3-4 on field goals to go along with 8 rebounds , 6 points. Jalen Blakes was 0-2 on field goals , 0-1 on 3 pointers to go along with 0 rebounds, 0 assists, 0 points. Jacob Grandison was 0-2 on field goals , 0-2 on 3 pointers to go along 3 rebounds , 4 assists, 2 points.

Following Duke holding on to beat Notre Dame 68-64 Jon Scheyer had this to say for his opening statement. On the impact of Mike Krzyzewski being at the game. On Kyle Filipowski mental and physical hurdles. On coaching decisions behind Mark Mitchell’s to put Duke up by four with 15 seconds left.

It was a great win coming off being on the road last week. For me, it's an honor to coach against Mike Brey, for what he's done at Duke, first and foremost. In this back hallway, you have to go to a Final Four to get your team picture up. Going through the hallway and earlier today, there he is, there he is, again, there he is. He went to six Final Fours in eight years here as an assistantcoach. Pretty good years that he was here: two national championships. For me, it was an honor and knowing Notre Dame and what they're all about, we felt it was going be a very dangerous game today: the way they can shoot threes. I thought our defense was really good overall. I'm just proud of, each one of our guys. I thought at different points they all stepped up. Flip [Kyle Filipowski], coming off of a really tough game at Virginia to bounce back the way that he did, to carry the load throughout was huge. I thought Jeremy [Roach] had an offensive rebound when it went got tight, he got back in and scored, and that was a big play. For Mark Mitchell, I don't think Mark has played his best as of late, and every day he gets 100 corner threes in and he works religiously on shooting before and after practice. Our coaches do a great job with him. So, to come back in late, they plug off of him in the corner, Jeremy kicks it to him. That is a big-time shot and that's not the first time he has made a shot like that so really proud of him for sticking with it and making that play. Then Tyrese [Proctor] at the end, two free throws. I don't even know if it hit the rim, went right through the net. So, proud to get this win. There is a lot to learn from, but happy to beat a good Notre Dame team who is really dangerous and capable of beating anybody.”“Yeah, it was awesome having him. One, we have talked about it [Coach K coming back] even in the preseason. ‘When are you going to a game? We want you at a game.’ For him to be here tonight, especially for me, I’ve been in so many battles and games here with him, with him right next to me. I don’t know how he felt sitting over there instead of on the bench, but it just means a lot. His support has been incredible, throughout this whole year, and throughout this whole process. I just wanted to make sure we got the win while he was here. It was really special for me to have him and Mickie [Krzyzewski] as well. That was a really cool thing for me, the team, and our staff.”He handled it great. I think that the toughest part: he didn't even practice these last two days. He could hardly walk on Sunday; yesterday, it was better, where he could do some light jogging, and spot shooting, but he couldn't even go contact or five-on-five. So, to come out, he just looked great to start the game. He’ssuch a difference maker for us, the attention that he gets. He’sresilient. He’s been a guy since day one of thissummer, it has not been smooth sailing. He has had his ups and downs, and he's taken coaching every step of the way. He continues to work and he just wants to win. I thought you saw that tonight and really they had to change their defense because of him.”“I feltconfident. I had a timeout there and could have called it, but I just feltconfident Jeremy was making the right play down the stretch, [because of] the work that Mark has put in. I think it was the Florida State game and Notre Dame played earlier this year with the same situation and they played it out. I just thought it was in our favor, we had the ball where we wanted with Jeremy. Flip was involved and with those two guys, good things have happened when the two of them have been involved. I give Mark a ton of credit for having the confidence to step up and hit. That is what you want from a guy. You would rather have him be aggressive and do that as opposed to shying away. That is not how Mark is wired. Really proud of him with how he's worked and stuck with it.


Duke Head Coach Jon Scheyer wasn’t the only Head Coach to share his thoughts following Duke’s 68-64 win as Mike Brey who stepping away from his position as Notre Dame Head Coach at the conclusion of 2022-2023 regular season did as well.

Mike Brey had this to say for his opening statement on what he was thinking as Notre Dame began to come back in second half. On if Coach K told Coach Brey he would be coming today. On if it means more that Mike Brey’s last ACC Tournament is in Greensboro.

That was a great college game. I’m proud of our guys; we’ve put ourselves in position a number of times, especially on the road, but we haven’t been able to get over the hump, and I have to tip my cap to the young man [Mark Mitchell] who made the three in the corner because that’s kind of what we wanted to give up, and he made it. We battled, we physically got in there, and now we get to go to Charlottesville.”“The way that thing wasclicking off, I’m thinking, like, we may just get this back and throw it in at the buzzer. I’ve been on both ends of those – it was just a weird game – and we were on the verge of getting throttled, and of course Dane [Goodwin] was… I guess I should’ve brought him off the bench earlier in the season. That was an unbelievable performance, wasit 17 straight? He was amazing. What a great atmosphere though, my last time in here coaching, I mean just awesome, great atmosphere. I got a chance to spend some time with Mike [Krzyzewski] this afternoon and darn if he didn’t come to work the officials on the baseline, huh? Some things never change, you gotta tell him I said that. No, it was good to see him and good to see Mickie [Krzyzewski]. At the shootaround today I’m walking around – I mean I’ve hung out in every nook and cranny in this building and my son and my daughter were born at Duke Hospital – lot of great memories – but I did tell Mike, I said. ‘Mike, Mickie, we have a little more time to drink some good wine now. I’ll be down this spring and we’ll hang out a little bit.’”He did, he mentioned it to me, and that surprised me a little bit. He said, you know, ‘We’re coming tonight and Mickie’s coming, and we’re going to be sitting right here.’ We were hanging there at the end of the shootaround and I was like, that was awesome, that was a little weird, I gotta say, seeing him sitting on the baseline, and he kinda had his legs out like he was lounging, you know what I mean. That’s the calmest and most relaxed he’s ever been in the place. Now, I did see with about five minutes to go, him go, like my man’s getting out of here. He’s looking to get out of here. But, as I’ve said before, he gave me a shot in 1987. I was a high school assistant and he taught me how to be a head coach and everything that’s come off of that until my last game in Greensboro, it’s all been because of this move – Mike hired me. We were saying today the three of us before the game, I said, ‘Damn, we had some fun in this place, didn’t we?’”“Yeah, that will be a great memory. For us, in 2015 [winning the ACC tournament], you know we’ve been to a Final Four, but I don’t know that there’s been a bigger achievement in our program, than to win that tournament and have to go through Duke and Carolina on Tobacco Road. So, it’ll be neat to be back there, and maybe we can hang around for a couple days.

“According to go”

Jeremy Roach who is Junior as well as a guard had this for opening statement about what it was was like to see former Duke Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski back in Cameron to watch a game!

“It’s a big-time win. You know they’ve got a lot of experienced guys out there, a lot of fifth-year guys out there. A couple of those players, I played against when I was a freshman and they beat us in Cameron, so we definitely had a little extra motivation out there. It was just a big-time win. They cut the lead down close at the end, and for us to string together some stops and get some big-time buckets down the stretch, it was big for us.” “Not every win’s going to be pretty. You’re going to have to muck out some wins, for sure, especially in the ACC when every team is coming for you every night. I’m just happy we got the win.” “Mark Mitchell – hats off to him. He didn’t have his best first half and Coach [Jon Scheyer] kind of got on him at halftime. He came out [in the second half] and made some big-time plays for us down the stretch.” “It’s always good to have the GOAT back in the building. He’s the reason I’m here and I can’t thank him enough. He didn’t talk to us in [the locker room], but I talked to him on the baseline, and he always gives you some words of encouragement before every game. I’ve just got a lot of love for him.”

Kyle Filipowski who is a Freshman as well as a forward had this to say for his Opening Statement about when asked how it felt for him to bounce back personally on having former Duke Head Coach Mike Krzyzewski back in Cameron to watch a game. “We battled. We’ve had some hard losses the last few games, and we’re getting toward the end of the season where we can’t do that anymore. I think [tonight] was just a gut check for us. We had some team meetings and we just had some player meetings and really just having some deep talks and finding the fluidity within all of us. I think that’s just going to get the streak going now, because everything we’ve done in the past, we’ve learned from it – from wins, from hard losses – but the most important time is when March comes. As long as we get to our peak there, then we’re going to be in a really good spot.” “Obviously, it felt really good for my confidence and knowing what I’m capable of. I still was trying to find my teammates in certain positions and just trying to have the energy and have some impact, regardless of if I was scoring 20 [points] or not. Just being out there and having fun with it – I think I did that today and had the right mental fortitude for that and it was a lot of fun.”“It was awesome, definitely. I know it’s not my place to say it, but I’d love to have him back more often. He’s the one that made this place what it’s known for, so it’s just highest and utmost respect for him.”

Mark Mitchell who like his teammate Kyle Filipowski is a freshman as well as a forward had this to say about his key 3 pointer late in the game that put Duke up by 4 with 11 seconds left.

worked on that shot all week, and I’ve been in the gym late nights, after practice, before practice, so when the time came, my work showed. I just thank God that in the big moment I could step in and knock down that shot. I’ve been in a little bit of a slump lately, so it felt good to hit one like that, especially when you work on it a lot. Your work will eventually show. Whatever you do in the dark will eventually come to light, and it did in that moment.” “[Notre Dame is] a good team, veteran team, and you know they’re going to come in here and play hard and fight. I’m just glad we pulled out the win.” When asked if this win helped the players get loss at Virginia Mark Mitchell responded with “I think it was just good to get back on the court, just to play. What happened Saturday was not in our hands. Just to get back here and get a W in the column, this was good for us.

“According to”

Syracuse comes into the game with Duke with record of 16-10 overall 9-6 in Atlantic Coast Conference is eighth in the Atlantic Coast Conference standings because like Duke Syracuse won their previous Atlantic Coast Conference game as they topped Duke’s tobacco road foe 23rd ranked NC State on Tuesday 75-72 in Syracuse New York.

As Syracuse topped Duke’s tobacco road foe NC State 75-72 Tuesday in Syracuse New York Maliq Brown was 5-6 on field goals to go along 6 rebounds, 10 points. Chris Bell was 4-12 on field goals , 1-5 on 3 pointers to go along 3 rebounds, 1 assists, 11 points. Jesse Edwards was 5-14 on field goals , 1-1 on 3 pointers to go along 16 rebounds, 18 points. Judah Mintz was 7-12 on field goals, 1-2 on 3 pointers to go along 9 assists, 20 points . Joseph Girard III was 5-14 on field goals, 2-6 on 3 pointers to go along with 4 rebounds , 2 assists, 14 points. Benny Williams was 1-1 on field goals to go along with 1 rebound, 2 points. Justin Taylor was 0-1 on field goals, 0-1 on 3 pointers to go along 0 rebounds, 0 assists, , 0 points. Though, he played 6 minutes. Symir Torrence was 0-2 on field goals , 0-0 on 3 pointers to go along 0 rebounds, 0 assists, 0 points.

“According to espnapp”

Tip off is set for 6:00pm from JMA Wireless Dome!

The game is going to be televised on ESPN with Dave O’Brien, Dick Vitale, Kris Budden commentating!